Terms & Agreement
By clicking the Agree and Submit button, you agree to your credit card being processed and you have read all terms and conditions of the event, including the cancellation policy. I agree to indemnify, defend, waive, release and hold the Escondido Downtown Business Association, the Chamber of Commerce, the City of Escondido, and Kennedy Faires Inc harmless from any and all liability, claims and causes of action for injuries to person or property arising out of or related to this Street Festival, specifically including, without limitation, injury or damage to booth and contents, merchandise, employees, contractors, guests, customers, invitees and all other third parties. No refunds in case of inclement weather, acts of nature or restrictions by government agencies to cancel event, over which the Escondido Downtown Business Association, the Escondido Chamber of Commerce, the City of Escondido or Kennedy Faires Inc has no control. IMPORTANT: ALL FOOD VENDORS AGREE TO PROVIDE THREE(3) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (COI'S) NAMING KENNEDY FAIRES, INC. (KENNEDY AND ASSOCIATES), ESCONDIDO DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, ESCONDIDO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE CITY OF ESCONDIDO AS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS.
Covid 19/Virus Release: The above parties do not assume any responsibility for the risk of contracting COVID 19 or any other disease. Risk reduction measures have been applied to safeguard vendors and participants as best as possible. Vendors and attendees assume all the risk in participating and/attending the event where they may be unknowingly exposed to viruses and other causes of illness that may lead to injury, illness, disability, or death. I also understand that this waiver cannot be modified or changed. I certify that all the information submitted in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Please note that although your payment will be processed, Kennedy Faires Inc/Escondido Downtown Business Association (EDBA)/Esco Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to review and REVISE APPROVAL of the application, subject to space availability, vendor type, electric and/corner availability. Full or Partial refunds may be granted if your request cannot be accommodated. BOOTH CONFIRMATIONS ARE MAILED OUT 14-21 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT. f25