
Fallbrook Avocado Festival

April 13, 2025 / 9am-5pm

Fallbrook’s Annual Avocado Festival provides an opportunity for entertainment and camaraderie bringing large numbers of visitors. The central role that the avocado plays in our lives is evident in the Festival’s Farmers Market, Agricultural Area, Avocado Culinary Demonstrations, Guacamole Contest, Avocado Ice Cream, Holy Guaca-Moly, the Art of the Avocado Contest, the Avo 500 Children’s Car Race, and the Best Decorated Avocado Contest.  A wide variety of agricultural displays are also found all along the Festival streets. What a fun-filled way to celebrate our heritage and be entertained at the same time!

The Avocado Festival, under the jurisdiction of the County of San Diego, will not allow EDIBLE CBD Products AND not allow CBD Products with any level of THC, according to the County of San Diego. Please do not apply if you fall into these categories

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We encourage vendors to have some avocado-themed products so that you will receive extra promotion from the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce for the public to see.