Carlsbad Village Street Faire


(click on the titles to read the content)

Applications & Deadlines

  • There are NO deadlines for ONLINE applications. We take ONLINE applications up to the date of the event. “Mailed” paper applications for Spring event –  postmarked by April 15th.  “Mailed” paper applications for Fall event –  postmarked by October 15th.
  • All applications must be accompanied by your credit/debit card info. Transaction will not be processed until application is accepted. Booth fee processing is your approval.
  • All applications must be accompanied by photo of products and booth display


  • Village merchants have 1st priority for (1) space for their product(s) as close as possible in front of their business. Merchants must apply at least 60-90 days in advance to have their space reserved.
  • Speedy renewal sign up from participation in previous faire.
  • Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce membership of applicant if submitted by application deadline
  • New Applications
  • The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and Kennedy Faires Inc reserves the right to limit or allow, at their sole discretion, the number of applicants for any one particular type of goods/services and reserves the right to change or substitute vendor spaces overall, thereby maintaining the diversity and quality of the Village Faire.


  • You must have a California State Board of Equalization Seller’s Permit or we cannot accept you application.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for collecting and reporting sales tax.
  • Craft and food vendors are responsible for their own liability and workers compensation insurance. By submitting an online application or paper application, you agree to release Kennedy Faires, Inc, Carlsbad Chamber and the City of Carlsbad from any and all liability.

Product limitations, Space Size & Canopy

  • Space size is 15’ wide (across front) and 10’ deep unless otherwise noted. Corner booths are considered at least two adjacent sides open
  • Center space series, see map (1300 State) (1400 Roosevelt) (1500 Madison), are walk-thru (2 x 15’ sides open).
  • Space only is provided. Exhibitors will be responsible for providing their own setup of any other materials needed for their display.
  • Merchandise should be displayed as colorfully and tastefully as possible. No stolen merchandise, fire arms, knives, ammunition, explosives, alcoholic beverages, drugs or illegal items, tobacco, tobacco/drug paraphernalia, or items that promote the use of any Federally controlled substance, including Marijuana.


  • This event no longer offers electricity.
  • Personal generators MUST be a “Quiet-Type” (Low Decibels; Low Fumes). Management reserves the right to request generators to be shut down if they are disruptive. They must meet Fire Department regulations.
  • Fire Department regulations require that all cords must be commercial type and taped down.

Confirmation & Refunds

  • Confirmations will be mailed 30-45 days before the Faire.
  •  Booth (Vendor) and/or event cancellations, fee rollovers for any reason, including inclement weather, acts of nature or restrictions by government agencies (including mandatory closures or recommended closures of event), over which the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and/or Kennedy Faires have no control, received before 30 days of the event are assessed a $100 cancellation fee per booth, per number of days requested on application.
  •  NO REFUNDS will be given, 30 days prior and/or within 30 days of the event, regardless of reason, including inclement weather, acts of nature, or restrictions by government agencies (including mandatory closures or recommended closures of event), over which the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and/or Kennedy Faires has no control.


  • Faire hours: Spring = 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fall = 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Space forfeited if not occupied by 7:30 a.m.
  • All spaces cleared and streets open by 6:00 p.m. in spring and 5:00 p.m. in fall.

  • All vehicles out of Faire area by 7:30 a.m.
  • Parking on outside of Faire area only.
  • No alley parking – police regulations.
  • If you park on private property you can be ticketed.
Food Exhibitors
  • Responsible for providing a Certificate of Insurance (COI) naming Kennedy Faires, Inc, Carlsbad Chamber and the City of Carlsbad as additional insureds. Responsible for obtaining County Health Dept. permits and meeting the requirements set up by the Health Department. Provide permit number with application if available at time of application.
  • Have certified fire extinguisher required by the Fire Marshal.
Assumption of Risk

  • I agree to indemnify and hold Kennedy and Associates, Kennedy Faires, Inc., the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Carlsbad, their officials, staff and agents harmless of and from any and all actions, causes of actions of every kind in law or equity, suits, debts, liens, contracts, agreements, promises, claims, liabilities, demands, damages, obligations, loss, costs and expense of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, fixed or contingent, including, with limitation, attorney’s fees and court costs through and including any appeals, taxable or otherwise, incurred, either directly or indirectly, as a result of my participation in the Carlsbad Village Faire, including but not limited to, any claims which might be made by myself, my co-workers, my agents, my employees, and/or any member of the general public. I acknowledge that I am responsible for the security of my own property and responsible in securing my canopy and fixtures to prevent safety hazards and expressly assume all risk of loss and/or damage to property arising either directly or indirectly from my participation in the Carlsbad Village Faire. I understand and agree that Kennedy Faires, Inc, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and/or the City of Carlsbad are in no way responsible for my property or its safe keeping

Space Fee Schedule

New Pricing effective for Nov 6, 2022 Carlsbad Village Faire


Carlsbad Village Faire

    If you are a pre-packaged food vendor - please select yes and input your DEH TFF permit #
  • 0 of 100 max characters
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Credit Card Info is no longer necessary. Once approved by Kennedy Faires, Inc., the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce will email you an invoice so that you can pay your booth fee. BOOTH FEES ARE "DUE AND PAYABLE" UPON APPLICATION SUBMISSION AND/OR RECEIPT OF INVOICE. Check your email inbox for an email from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce containing a link you can click on to pay your booth space. Your booth space will ONLY be reserved if you “apply online” AND “pay your invoice” Please pay the invoice once you receive it so that we can confirm your booth space. YOU, THE VENDOR,  IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE TO MAKE SURE THE BOOTH FEE IS PAID TO AVOID LOSING YOUR BOOTH SPACE RESERVATION.   Thank you! 2025

    (An invoice will be emailed to you in order to pay your booth fee)
  • Terms & Agreement

    Credit Card Info is no longer necessary. Once approved by Kennedy Faires, Inc., the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce will email you an invoice so that you can pay your booth fee. BOOTH FEES ARE "DUE AND PAYABLE" UPON APPLICATION SUBMISSION AND/OR RECEIPT OF INVOICE. Check your email inbox for an email from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce containing a link you can click on to pay your booth space. Your booth space will ONLY be reserved if you “apply online” AND “pay your invoice” Please pay the invoice once you receive it so that we can confirm your booth space. Thank you! By Clicking the Agree and Submit button, you agree you have read all terms and conditions of the event, including the cancellation policy and agree to have your credit card processed and/or pay by electronic invoice for the booth fee. You acknowledge and agree that you are assuming all risk for and responsibility of any loss, damage, injury, claim, action, causes of action arising in law of equity, suits, debts, liens, contracts, agreements, promises, liabilities, demands, damages, obligations, loss, costs and expenses of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, fixed of contingent, arising out of your participation in the Carlsbad Village Street Faire. Neither Kennedy Faires Inc/Kennedy & Associates, the City of Carlsbad, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, nor their officials, staff or agents, are responsible for same. You assume all risks and responsibility for your booth canopy to insure its safe and secure during all weather conditions. CANCELLATIONS: Booth (Vendor) and/or event cancellations, for any reason, including inclement weather, acts of nature or restrictions, event cancellations by government agencies (including mandatory closures or recommended closures of event), over which the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and/or Kennedy Faires Inc/Kennedy & Associates have no control, received before 30 days of the event, are assessed a $100 cancellation fee per booth, per number of days requested on application. NO REFUNDS will be given, 30 days prior and/or within 30 days of the event, regardless of reason, including inclement weather, acts of nature, or restrictions by government agencies (including mandatory closures or recommended closures of event), over which the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce and/or Kennedy Faires/Kennedy and Associates has no control. No credits, rollovers, or fee transfers will be allowed. Covid 19/Virus Release: The above parties (Kennedy Faires, the Chamber or the City) do not assume any responsibility for the risk of contracting COVID 19 or any other disease. Risk reduction measures have been or will be applied, based on state, county or local protocols, to safeguard vendors and participants as best as possible. Vendors and attendees assume all the risk in participating and/attending the event where they may be unknowingly exposed to viruses and other causes of illness that may lead to injury, illness, disability, or death. You also understand that this waiver cannot be modified or changed. You certify that all the information submitted in this application is accurate to the best of your knowledge. IMPORTANT: SPONSOR LOCATIONS DO NOT HAVE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AVAILABLE. FOOD VENDORS: ALL FOOD VENDORS AGREE TO PROVIDE THREE(3) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (COI'S) NAMING KENNEDY FAIRES, CARLSBAD CHAMBER AND CITY OF CARLSBAD AS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS. DISCLOSURE: 1. No stolen merchandise, fire arms, ammunition, explosives, alcoholic beverages, drugs or illegal items, tobacco, tobacco/drug paraphernalia, or items that promote the use of any federally controlled substance, including marijuana. This includes signage OR Logos with marijuana leaves on it, etc. 2. You agree not to sell/display products containing any or all compounds, blend, extract, infuse, parts or otherwise of the Cannabis staive Linneaeus, Cannabis indica or Cannabis ruderalis per City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. 3. Booth designs must present well and be appealing to the public in order to be a consistent vendor in the Faire. 2025